Monday, March 30, 2015

Rare Item Monday!

Hey jammers! Rare item monday is back as usual, and for the first time, we will be covering it! So today's rare item is a Rare Horn Helmet! You can purchase it for $750 in Jam Mart Clothing (members only)!
With a navy blue base, and a pretty sky blue encircling the bright yellow horns, this rare item is certainly very different. But, this helmet isn't for every animal though. 
I certainly love the look on Arctic Wolves, Seals, and Elephants. I dislike the look on many animals, including regular wolves; which are actually my favorite animal in Jamaa. Keep trying to see what looks best on you! After all, they are RARE! See you next time Jammers! 

Friday, March 27, 2015

A New Name

Hey jammers! We are officially changing NMST to NMSG (Non-Member Support Group)! Thanks for reading!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

NMST Update!

Hey Jammers! It's wolfyhearty, bringing you the news on NMST activity over the past few hours. We have had extreme success as well as much failure. But nobody can argue that we have had massive amounts of commotion!
Very successful protesting, as mentioned above.
A screenshot of a very poor protest, gaining lots of hate.
We will kindly ask if you are seriously interested in NMST, please wear an orange friendship bracelet to show your support! If you are non member, I will be more than happy to trade you one. Also, feel free to send us your very own protest pictures, and we will post some! We will inform you on updates frequently. See you later jammers!

New Instagram!

Hi everyone! It's wolfyhearty, and I have some exiting news. Yesterday, Daisy
(Echanted) and I opened an Instagram account! For all of you who would like to check it out, we are @animaljaminal. We would love to see you all there! 
AnimalJaminal Instagram, as mentioned above. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Big Issue

Hi everyone! It's wolfyhearty, and I would like to talk to you all today about a big issue in Jamaa. Non members are starting to feel like they are unwanted, because of rude members and their general lack of freedom. Enchanted and I decided to make a difference, and started a organization called NMST (Non-Member Support Team). NMST educates jammers about these issues and stands up for what is right all around Jamaa. If you would like to learn more, message me or Enchanted, and we will let you know when you can join a 100% free NMST class! Here is a picture of a recent fundraiser that we held...
If you want to support NMST, there are lots of things you can do! Protest, educate other jammers, host a fundraiser, or just turn orange (the official color of NMST)! We will get back to you very soon about this problem, and give you the inside coverage. See you later jammers! Jam on!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I'm Back!

Hey jammers! I'm back! I have taken a long break from both this blog and AJ, but now I am doing both again! I have a membership and a new animal, and arctic wolf! And I am using my first account, DaisyandSpooky.
This is my Arctic Wolf, Enchanted Spiritstone. She is wearing a rare baseball cap, cupid wings, a rare heart locket, and friendship gauntlets.

I may not post as much, but I probably will be making some major changes to the blog.
See you around AJ!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Should I keep blogging?

I need to ask you a question jammers. Should I keep blogging? Now that I've went up a grade I have more homework. I also have some things I want to do a little more than this. Please vote on the poll to decide if I should keep blogging.